October is Small Business month in BC and in recognition of the incredible contribution that the small business community makes on Sunshine Coast, representatives from the SCBRC, the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization(SCREDO), the local chambers of commerce and local elected officials conducted Business Walks through each of the lower Sunshine Coast communities during Small Business Week.
Business Walks are designed to build relationships within the community, gain insight into the local business climate, and share information with businesses to support the resiliency of a strong, vibrant business community. They are used as informal, but important, opportunities for local leaders and stakeholders to connect with local business owners.
During the week of October 18-22, 2021 the Sunshine Coast Business Walk teams visited businesses throughout the Sunshine Coast and walked them through a brief questionnaire. Our goal was to use this as an opportunity to listen to and connect with local business owners, and identify successes and challenges in order to gain insight and create solutions.
In addition, to increase the reach of this initiative we are extending the opportunity to participate to all businesses on the lower Sunshine Coast. The questionnaire consisting of the same questions asked by the Business Walk teams will be available here until December 31, 2021.
All data collected during the Business Walks and through the online business questionnaire will remain confidential and be aggregated into summary findings. A results summary will be made available to each business that participated in the Business Walk questionnaire in early 2022.